Kur Or Cure :
From the German "kur," and from the French "cure", a planned route of spa treatments that typically involve hydrotherapy, mud baths, algae, and herbs. "Taking the kur" might be a ten -to twenty- day process in every three months.
Krauter Bath :
The Krauter Bath is based on German natural remedy, this is a well-built, aromatic herbal bath solution.
Kneipp Baths :
Kneipp Baths is a form of water therapies originated by Germany's Father Sebastian Kneipp, a holistic teacher and proponent of natural remedies. Originally involving dips in the icy Danube, nowadays the therapy involves concentration both in warm and cold water.
Kinesthetic Awareness :
Kinesthetic Awareness is a technique which gives sensitivity to the moment of your body through space that contributes to your ability to balance and move rhythmically and gracefully. It is sometimes developed as a self-awareness technique for divine growth.