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Health Benefits Of Wine
We begin with a review of some of the published studies regarding the
health benefits from wine and other alcoholic beverages. The following
is taken mostly from the writings of Elisabeth Holmgren, director
of the Department of Research and Education at the Wine Institute.
Although she represents the wine industry, her writings seem to
be relatively even
handed. Nothing that follows is meant to obscure the fact that prolonged
excessive alcohol consumption is detrimental to one’s health.
Joel’s comments are in brackets [JM].
Wine’s Role In The “French Paradox”
Receives Confirmation
A new study by original “French Paradox” researcher Serge
Renaud offers more evidence that moderate wine consumption is associated
with a significant reduction in all-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease
and cancer among men. The findings (Epidemiology, March, 1998) were based
on a large cohort study [JM - cohort studies are epidemiological studies
that use individuals having a statistical element in common, such as race,
gender, age, etc., as opposed to a random selection of individuals. As
such, the results cannot always be projected to the population as a whole.]
of middle aged men in eastern France. Daily, moderate drinkers who consumed
mostly wine were compared to non-drinkers and heavy drinkers.
Renaud and colleagues from the
University of Bordeaux found that moderate wine consumption (2-3 glasses
a day) was associated with a 30% reduction in the death rate from all
causes; a 35% percent reduction in death rates from cardiovascular disease;
and an 18-24% reduction in death rates from cancer. “The results
of the present study,” the researchers write, “appear to confirm
the speculation that the so-called French Paradox is due, at least in
part, to the regular consumption of wine. [JM - The French Paradox, of
60 minutes fame, is the observation that, although the French and Americans
have similar high fat diets, the French have a much lower incidence of
cardiovascular disease. Speculation was that this is due to the protective
effects of wine consumption, since the French drink much more wine than
we do. Of course, there are many other possible explanations.
How Wine Works: Emerging Research On Mealtime Alcohol
It is known that alcohol consumption reduces the risk of coronary heart
disease and overall mortality. [JM - This statement is a bit strong. Statistical
studies show a relationship between two variables (here, moderate alcohol
consumption and reduced incidence of heart disease), but they do not establish
a cause and effect relationship - “proof” that one causes
the other. The recent wealth of data should give us more confidence in
a cause and effect relationship, but we are not nearly to the point of
“proof.” It took decades and hundreds of studies before the
Surgeon General was willing to declare that smoking causes cancer.] But
it has been less clear just how alcohol works to protect the body against
heart disease and death.
A new study from researchers at
the University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland. identifies a mechanism
for how alcohol favorably effects arterial muscle cells. According to
Wilhelm Vetter, M.D., and colleagues, alcohol, when consumed around mealtime,
reduces the proliferation of smooth muscle cells (SMC) within the arteries.
SMC growth is a key element in the develop-ment of atherosclerosis, which
commonly leads to heart attacks and strokes.
The study found that the ingestion
of alcohol. equivalent to two glasses of wine or three beers, with a high-fat
meal resulted in a 20% decrease in the growth of arterial muscle cells.
Researchers suggest these results could have a profound effect on heart
disease “considering the amount of time humans spend in the postprandial
state during their lifetimes.”
Other mechanisms may be at work. Several researchers have suggested that
the apparent health benefits of wine ingested at mealtime may be due to
the ability of alcohol and other phenolic compounds in wine to counter
adverse effects of fatty foods during the critical digestive phase. Renaud
has written of the positive effect of wine during meals on platelet aggregation
, finding that wine “consumed with meals is absorbed more slowly,
and thus has a prolonged effect on blood platelets at a time when they
are under the influence of alimentary lipids known to increase their reactivity.”
An Israeli study by Fuhrman et
al, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found that
drinking red wine with meals resulted in a 20% reduction in the LDL (“bad”)
cholesterol oxidation. A Dutch study, published in the British Medical
Journal, found that alcohol consumed with a meal may prevent blood clotting
triggered by fat.
Women Wine Drinkers Have
Fewer Kidney Stones
A new study from Harvard University researcher Gary Curhan and colleagues,
using more than 81,000 women participants drawn from the Nurses’
Health Study, found that an increase in fluid intake significantly reduces
risk for kidney stones and that risk reduction was greatest for wine compared
with other beverages. Out of 17 beverages, including tea, coffee, fruit
juices, milk and water, wine was associated with the highest reduction
in risk - 59%.
Researchers noted: “Intakes of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee,
tea and wine were associated with decreased risk.” Curhan and colleagues
reported similar results for men and kidney stones in 1996. Wine consumption
was associated with highest risk reduction - 39%.
Moderate Wine Consumption Cuts Stroke Risk
The moderate consumption of wine (but not beer or spirits) is associated
with a reduced risk of stroke, according to a new report. The authors
believe wine’s protective effects may be linked to disease-fighting
compounds other than alcohol. “Intake of wine is associated with
lower risk of stroke,” concludes a 16-year Danish study led by Dr.
Thomas Truelsen of Copen-hagen University Hospital (Journal of the American
Heart Association, December, 1998).
Previous studies have suggested
that moderate wine consumption (a glass a day, for example) may provide
cardiovascular benefit. This phenomena is exemplified by what the Danish
team call the ‘French paradox’ - “a low incidence of
cardiovascular disease in the (wine-drinking) French population despite
an unfavorable exposure to known cardiovascular factors (such as smoking).”
Investigating further, the authors tracked the stroke incidence of over
13,300 Danes for 16 years.
They report that, compared with abstainers, individuals who said they
drank wine on a monthly, weekly, or daily basis had a 16%, 34%, and 32%
reduced risk of stroke, respectively. The researchers found “no
association between intake of beer or spirits on risk of stroke.”
These findings suggest that other compounds in wine besides alcohol may
have a positive impact on cardiovascular health. “Wine contains
flavonoids and tannins,” the authors explain, “which are components
presumed to prevent cardiovascular disease.” They speculate that
drinking patterns specific to wine lovers may also influence cardiovascular
health. Wine is more commonly consumed at mealtimes than either beer or
hard liquor, and “these differences in ‘timing’ may
be important,” according to the researchers. One recent study concluded
that mealtime alcohol consumption reduced unhealthy alterations in blood
composition that can occur after eating.
In a press release, the American Heart Association “does not recommend
that individuals start drinking to reduce their risk of heart disease
and stroke.” Experts point out that excessive drinking can actually
raise the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke.
Regular, Moderate Alcohol
Consumption Protects Against Atherosclerosis
New Data from the Bruneck Study (Italy) was reported by Australian and
Italian researchers in the May 1998 issue of Stroke. They conclude that
light to moderate alcohol consumers faced a lower risk of atherosclerosis
(early atherogenesis) than either abstainers or heavy drinkers. Arteriosclerosis,
the gradual build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries, is the leading
contributor to coronary heart disease and fatal heart attacks.
Notably, alcohol consumption during meals offered advantages. “Alcohol
ingestion during meals tended to offer more protection, probably due to
a delayed absorption and prolonged mode of action at a time when platelet
reactivity increases under the influence of alimentary lipids,”
explained the researchers, led by Innsbruck University’s Stefan
Kiechl, M.D.
Cohort Studies From Around The World Link Moderation
To Longevity
In recent years dozens of cohort studies from all over the world have
associated moderate alcohol consumption with reduced risk for cardiovascular
disease, decreased overall mortality rates and other potentially improved
health conditions. This growing worldwide research consensus has resulted
in certain changes in the world view of alcohol during just the last few
years. In a significant departure form the past, major public health organizations
and governments around the world now officially recognize that moderation
can be part of a healthful diet for those who choose to drink.
The World Health Organization, the United States government, the United
Kingdom’s government and the American HeartAssociation are among
the health policy leaders that recently have issued balanced alcohol statements
expressing caution in terms of alcohol abuse, but highlighting scientific
findings that associate cardiovascular benefits with moderate consumption.
In varying degrees, wine, beer and spirits have been shown to confer
certain health advantages for those who consume in moderation. The most
recent review study on the subject of alcohol and longevity was by esteemed
British epidemiologist Richard Doll, M.D. In the British Medical Journal,
Doll concluded, “The consumption of small and moderate amounts of
alcohol reduces mortality from vascular disease by about a third.”
In his review, Doll looked over three dozen studies published over the
last decade. We will discuss some of these cohort studies from around
the world which are highlighted in the table below.
Alcohol And Wine’s Effects On Mortality - Findings
From Around The World
United States |
Europe |
Asia/Australia |
Framingham Heart Study (MA) |
Seven Countries Study |
Japanese Physicians |
Kaiser Permanente (CA) |
British Regional Heart Study |
Busselton Study (Austral) |
Nurses Health Study (MA) |
British Doctors Study |
Dubbo Study (Austral) |
Physicians Health Study (MA) |
Copenhagen City Heart Study |
New Zealand Cohort |
Health Professionals (MA) |
Shanghai China Cohort |
Italian Rural Cohorts Study |
Nil |
Honolulu Heart Study (HI) |
Nil |
Nil |
Well-Established Cardiovascular Benefits Of Moderation
As early as 1980, the Honolulu Heart Study reported that moderate alcohol
consumption was associated with a 50% reduction in the rate of coronary
heart disease. Dozens of studies around the world have since confirmed
this for both men and women. In the 1990’s, large-scale studies
including the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (over 44,000 men) and
the Nurses’ Health Study of over 85,000 women have convincingly
demonstrated reduced risks for heart disease.
The data are so clear on this issue that leading Harvard researchers
included moderate alcohol consumption as one of the best ways to cut heart
attack risk. In 1996, they credited “one or two drinks of beer,
wine, or liquor per day” to “a reduction in risk of 20-40%.
The latest research has also found associations between moderation and
other cardiovascular diseases. In early 1997, data was published showing
that moderate alcohol con-sumers reduced their risk for stroke, angina
pectoris (a painful precursor of heart attacks) and for peripheral artery
disease, a condition in which internal blood clots form in the extremities.
It was Dr. Arthur Klatsky of Kaiser Permanente Hospital in California
who first noted that the association between consumption and heart disease
resembled a “U” with moderate con-sumers at the lowest risk
in the curve, and abstainers and abusers at higher risk. This U-shaped
relationship between alcohol intake and disease continues to be seen for
both cardiovascular and overall mortality studies. Moderate consumption
appears to be most advantageous.
Moderation And Reduced All-Cause Mortality
Some of the most respected population studies find that consuming wine,
beer or spirits in moderation has been associated with an increased life
expectancy. Researchers report that although substantial decreases in
mortality risk for moderate drinkers can be attributed to reduced risk
of heart disease, this factor alone does not entirely account for their
favorable mortality profile. Moderate drinkers compared to abstainers,
both male and female, appear to be at lower risk for all causes of death,
including cancer and other chronic diseases, while heavy drinkers increase
their mortality risk.
This U-shaped relationship was seen in the Honolulu Heart study and subsequently
in an American Cancer Society Study whichfound that subjects who consumed
moderate amounts of alcohol (less than 3 drinks per day) were less likely
to die during the research period than either abstainers or heavy drinkers.
Several studies with similar findings have led the American Heart Association
to state in 1996, “The lowest mortality occurs in those who consume
one or two drinks per day.”
A 13-year follow-up of a British Physician’s Study found that the
overall death rate for 12,000 male doctors in middle or old age who had
an average of one to two drinks per day of wine, beer, or spirits was
at least 1/6 lower than that for abstainers. Investigators for the Danish
government’s Copenhagen City Heart Study similarly analyzed 10-12
years of follow up data on 7234 women and 6051 men aged 30 to 79. A U-shaped
curve emerged: consumers of 1-6 drinks per week had the lowest risk for
all causes of mortality. A 1997 Shanghai Cohort Study, the first major
Chinese study, examined 18,000 men in Shanghai and found a 19% lower mortality
rate for all causes in moderate drinkers.
The Nurses’ Health Study (1995) found a reduced overall mortality
rate for light-to-moderate drinkers among 85,000 women. They concluded,
“For women as a group, light to moderate alcohol consumption offers
significant survival advantages. It was associated with a decreased risk
of death from cardiovascular disease; heavier drinking was associated
with an increased risk of death from other causes, particularly breast
cancer and cirrhosis.” Benefits were most pronounced for women with
risk factors for heart disease and those 50 years and older.
Other Harvard University cohort studies, the Framingham Heart Study as
well as the Kaiser Permanente Study confirm overall mortality benefits
for moderate drinkers. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES), the largest government survey of Americans’ health and
lifestyle habits, reported that for white males, “Moderate drinking
increases the time until death from any cause by about 3 percent.”
At the same time, scientists point
out that more research is needed to provide a true risk/benefit analysis
for different gender and age groups that considers not only coronary heart
disease and overall mortality, but also various types of cancer. In particular,
some studies find a link between alcohol consumption and breast cancer
in women. However, most researchers feel that the cardiovascular benefits
of moderate alcohol consumption far outweigh the breast cancer risks (Cardiovascular
disease is very common; breast cancer is rare in comparison).
Wine Phenolics And Disease Prevention
While some researchers believe that all alcoholic beverages provide equal
benefit, several scientists believe wine offers benefits in addition to
its ethyl alcohol component. The beverage-specific data from the ongoing
Copenhagen City Heart Study reported that wine drinkers were least likely
to die from any cause during the 12-year study period. “Our finding,
that only wine drinking clearly reduces both the risk of dying from cardiovascular
and cerebrovascular disease and the risk of dying from other causes”,
write researcher Morton Gronbaek and colleagues, “suggests that
other more broadly acting factors in wine may be present.”
Research programs on other factors
in wine has resulted in several studies in the past few years on the antioxidant
and protective effects of wine compounds. Several phenolic compounds in
wine (such as quercetin, epicatechin and resveratrol) inhibit platelet
aggregation and act as antioxidants to prevent the breakdown of LDL cholesterol
into atherosclerotic plaque. One in vitro study even found that these
compounds were more effective than vitamin E in inhibiting LDL oxidation.
Since 1991 over three dozen studies have provided preliminary evidence
that wine phenolics have positive health effects. However, as most of
this research comes from animal studies, it has not yet been demonstrated
that this is applicable to humans.
Summary Perspective
Key recent cohort studies (Harvard’s Physician’s Health Study
and the American Cancer Society’s Cancer Prevention Study II) found
lower mortality profiles for moderate drinkers. The ACS study was the
largest on alcohol consumption to date, with nearly half a million subjects,
finding all-cause mortality risk to be reduced by approximately 20% for
both men and women who consumed one drink per day. Several published reviews
have pointed out that higher levels of alcohol consumption can be detrimental
to health in many ways. However, as Finnish researcher Kari Poikolainen
wrote in a 1995 review in the Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, “The
lowest risk of death seems to be at the average intake level of one drink
per day.”
Key studies throughout the 1990’s
(see Table last month) associate approx. one drink per day with increased
longevity. In each study, all-cause mortality rates for moderate drinking
men and women, in diverse populations such as the US, China and Australia,
are significantly lower than rates for non-drinkers. Based on a decade
of research findings, Richard Doll, M.D. (in the British Medical Journal)
calls the evidence for alcohol’s beneficial effect “now massive.
People should told the facts. These still need to be defined in detail,
but in broad outline they are quite clear: In middle and old age, some
amount of alcohol within the range of one to four drinks each day reduces
the risk of premature death, irrespective of the medium in which it is
The U.S. Dietary Guidelines advises
moderation, which is defined as no more than two drinks per day for men
and no more than one drink per day for women. Forthcoming research will
continue to clarify the effects of moderate wine and alcohol consumption
in healthy diets and balanced lifestyles. It is hoped that these findings
will be reflected in worldwide nutrition policies like the year 2000 Dietary
Guidelines for Americans.
Drinking Wine May Lower Risk For Upper Digestive Tract
Many research studies have associated alcohol consumption with increased
risk of upper digestive tract cancers. But Morton Gronbaek and colleagues
at the Institute for Preventive Medicine in Copenhagen, Denmark, report
just the opposite. They speculate that previous studies did not analyze
data for specific types of beverages and/or did not distinguish between
use and abuse. Although they acknowledge that their analysis may not be
perfect, the Danish researchers tracked the 13-year incidence of mouth,
throat and esophageal cancers among 28,000 Danes.
They report that heavy drinkers
experienced a 12-fold increase in upper digestive cancers compared with
abstainers. But among moderate drinkers, those who consumed at least 30%
of their alcohol intake in the form of wine were at slightly lower risk
than non-drinkers for these cancers. “A moderate intake of wine
probably does not increase the risk of upper digestive tract cancer.”
They speculate that compounds found in wine, such as resveratrol, may
exert powerful anticarcinogenic effects that protect against any cancer-causing
effects of alcohol. “Wine contains several components with possible
anticarcinogenic effects - these may exert their action locally in parallel
with the possible effect of ethanol.”
New Research Developments Of The Antioxidant Front
The Italian National Institute of Nutrition (Rome) found that phenolic
compounds in wine are absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and “might
be directly involved in the in vivo antioxi-dant defenses.” This
study clearly associated non-alcoholic components in wine with increased
plasma antioxidant capacity, which may lead to a reduced risk in coronary
heart disease.
A team of researchers from New York, Japan and the University of Illinois
reported prelim-inary evidence that resveratrol (a compound found primarily
in grapes and wine) may inhibit cancer growth in humans.
Moderate Drinker’s Benefits Begin In Early Adulthood
A new study from the UK, published in The Lancet, has found that among
young adults, moderate drinkers are at a reduced risk of psychological
distress, poor general health and long-term illness compared to abstainers
and heavy drinkers. Dr. Chris Powers and associates studied 9,605 men
and women at age 23 with a follow-up at 33.
They found that men drinking between 11-35 units of alcohol and women
drinking between 6-20 units of alcohol per weekexperienced fewer health-related
problems than nondrinkers and heavy drinkers. One unit of alcohol was
the equivalent to a half pint of beer, one measure of spirits or one glass
of wine.
Dr. Powers is from the Institute of Child Health (London) and the co-authors
are from the Australian National University (Canberra). They hope to continue
the research with the same subjects in order to see how they progress
with age. This is one of the first studies to look at the effects of alcohol
consumption in early adulthood and it’s long-term effects on health.
The information in this article is for educational purposes only. Wine
should be enjoyed in a responsible manner as part of a well balanced lifestyle
by healthy adults who choose to drink. “If you drink alcoholic beverages,
do so in moderation, with meals, and when consumption does not put you
or others at risk” ~ Advice for Today, 1995 U.S. Dietary Guidelines
for Americans. Meanwhile, the research on the health benefits of wine